

发布时间: 2019-08-23 12:44:08



  When buying beef,consider its grading and cut. Also,buy beef with good marbling(flecks of fat)—the more marbling there is,the more moist and tender the beef will be.Beef is graded according to the animal's age,the amount of marbling in the cut,and the beef's color and texture.   Most often,you'll find three grades of beef when shopping:   当你购物时你会发现牛肉一般分为三个等级:   Prime:The highest grade and the most expensive. In general,the most tender and flavorful beef falls under this category.Most beef from this grade end up at hotels and fancy restaurants.You can also find it at specialty butcher shops.   上等牛肉:*等级和最贵的牛肉。一般而言,这等级的牛肉最鲜嫩、最美味。这等级的牛肉一般供应酒店和豪华餐厅。在一些专业肉铺你也能买到。   Choice:The second tier of beef grading,leaner than prime. This is what you'll find most often at the supermarket.   优选等级牛肉:这是第二等级牛肉,比*个等级更精瘦。这个等级的牛肉大多数超市均有售。   Select:Best for stewing and braising. You'll find this in supermarkets.   精选等级牛肉:炖牛肉和烧牛肉的好材料。超市均有售。   The more tender cuts of beef include steaks such as porterhouse,sirloin,shell,New York strip,Delmonico and filet mignon-as well as roasts such as rib,rib eye and tenderloin. Tender meats are usually cooked by the dry heat methods of roasting,broiling,grilling and sautéing.   最鲜嫩的牛肉包括牛排,比如腰肉牛排、牛里脊肉、去皮牛肉、纽约牛排、德蒙尼克牛排和牛肉卷,还包括烤牛肉,比如肋排、肋眼牛排、里脊肉。鲜嫩牛肉一般用火炙烤、焙烧、烧烤和爆炒。   Look beyond ratings to judge meat. Meat should look bright red,never dull or gray.Excess juice in the package may indicate that the meat has been previously frozen and thawed-don't purchase it.   除了看等级,牛肉还可通过观察外表来判断其质量优劣。好的牛肉看起来是鲜红色的,而非暗色或灰色的。肉里渗出水的,表明牛肉经过冷冻或者解冻,谨慎购买。  

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