

发布时间: 2019-08-29 12:14:23

  初级串烧句   Is the beef stew ready yet?   炖牛肉好了没?   Did you add the MSG?   你加味精了吗?   (串烧点点通:MSG是monosodium glutamate的缩写,意思是味精).   Is the sauce ready?   调味茜好了没?   First braise the onions.   先炖洋葱。   (串烧点点通:braise 以文火炖煮)   Use a spatula.   用小铲。   (串烧点点通:spatula<调和、涂抹用>抹刀;小铲).   Wait until the oil is hot.   等到油热。   Fried chicken is delicious.   炸鸡很可口。   Sautb the potatoes.   炸马铃薯。   Boil the peas.   煮豌豆。   Broil the steak.   烤牛排。   (串烧点点通:broil烤)   Grill the sausages.   烤香肠。


    中级串烧句   I'll peel the vegetables and you chop them.   我择菜,然后你切。   (串烧点点通:peel削去……的皮,剥去……的壳chop切细;剁碎).   Salt is a crucial ingredient in cooking.   盐是烹调的一种重要材料。   (串烧点点通:ingredient(烹调的)原料)   Don't overdo the salt in your cooking.   做菜时别放太多的盐。   Garlic and ginger are essential for Chinese cooking.   大蒜和姜是中式烹调不可缺少的。   (串烧点点通:garlic大蒜;蒜头ginger生姜;姜).   Brown the meat first and then add vegetables.   先把肉煎成褐色,再放青菜。   You've got to chop up the pork before you stew it.   你必须把猪肉剁细后再炖。   Add some minced onions to the soup.   在汤里放些切碎的洋葱。   Mix the sugar, spices and soy sauce in a bowl.   把糖,辣椒和酱油倒在一个碗里调匀。   Just use a very small amount of oil.   只要放一点点油就行。   Most stews contain meat and vegetables.   炖的食物大多是肉类和蔬菜。   I am steaming fish in a pressure cooker.   我用高压锅清蒸鱼。   (串烧点点通:pressure cooker高压锅;压力锅).   I am going to pickle those cucumbers.   我要腌这些小黄瓜。   Mash the potatoes with a fork.   用叉把马铃薯捣碎成泥。     高级串烧句   In Greece, as in Italy,they use a lot of olive oil in cooking.   希腊人和意大利人一样,炒菜爱用橄榄油。   (串烧点点通:olive oil橄揽油)   These lumps of fat from the meat can be rendered down and used for cooking.   肉上的这些肥肉块可以炼成油,用来炒菜。   Don't spatter the water drop into the oil in the pan while cooking.   炒菜时不要把水滴溅人油锅中。   Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the onion for one minute.   把油烧热,用洋葱炒锅约一分钟。   (串烧点点通:stir-fry炒)   We can render the chicken carcass down to make stock for soup.   你可把这只鸡炖烂,做成汤料。   Boil the pasta in a saucepan of salted water for 15 minutes.   把意大利通心粉倒入带盖的平底锅中用盐水煮15分钟。   (串烧点点通:saucepan<长栖有盖的>平底深锅).        Sprinkle a spoonful of bran onto the stew to increase the fibre content.   在炖煮的食物上加一匙麦轶,可以增加其纤维含量。   (串烧点点通:bran糠;麦扶;谷皮fibre content纤维含量).   Grill the sausage under a medium heat, turning occasionally.   用中火烤香肠,不时翻面。   The meat is likely to scorch if you leave it cooking too long.   如果你把肉烤得太久就会焦的。   (串烧点点通:scorch把……烧焦;把……烤焦)

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