

发布时间: 2019-09-08 11:34:38

  常用表述   我想理个发。--I'd like to have my hair cut.   稍微修理一下。--A little off the top.   我想理发和修面。--I want a haircut and a shave,please.   面部美容大都是先彻底清洁面部皮肤。--Most facials start with a thorough cleansing.   我要做半小时美名外加化妆。--I'll take the half-hour facial with make一up.   请在这到躺下,稍等我去做准备。--Please lie down here,wait me to do the next to prepare.   你的皮肤太干了,应该多补水。--Your skin is too dry .You'd better use some hydrating products.   这是我*次来美容院。--This is my first time coming to a beauty saloon.   你可以试一下我们这里的补水套装,效果很好的。--You can try our hydrating package .It has good effects.   你买了套装,可以免费到我们这里来做护肤.You can have skin care here for free if you buy it.   我还想染个头发。--I'd love to have my hair dyed,too.


    提出问题   您要不要修面或洗头?--Would you like a shave or shampoo?   您喜欢什么发式?--How would you like your haircut,sir?   要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗?--Do you want me to trim your moustache?   您喜欢什么颜色?--What color would you like?   您想修眉吗?--Do you want me to trim your eyebrows?   情景短对话   A:您想理什么式样的?--How do you want it?   B:修剪一下就行了。--两边剪短些,但后面不要剪得太多。--Just a trim,and cut the sides fairly short,but not so much at the back.   A:还要我为您做些什么吗?--Anything else I can do for you?   B:我想做面部美容。--I want a facial.   A:您好,有什么我可以帮你的?--Hello,what can I help you with?   B:你好,我预订了一个美容,留的名字是柳。--Hi,I have a reserved for beauty treatment,under the name Liu.   A:你预约的是今天下午两点,现在开始么?--You make an appoitement is today 2pm .start now?   B:好的。--Well.

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