

发布时间: 2019-09-12 12:38:28

         常用表述   我很高兴,我的简历被*接收。--I am very glad to know that my resume was received.   我为获得这个面谈机会而感到高兴。--I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview.   我刚*毕业,现在正在找工作。--I have just graduated from college,and am now looking for a job.   我一直没有工作过,这是我*次找工作。--I have never had other job,this is my first time to look for job.   我觉得工资实在太少了。--I thought the salary is too low.   *毕业后,我做过这方面工作.I have been in this field since i graduated from college.   这种类型的工作我曾经做过好几年。--I have done this kind of work for several years.   虽然我目前的工作好,但薪金太低,无法维持家庭。--Although my present job is good for me,the salary is too low to support my family.        为了维持家庭,我希望一个月能赚5000元港币。--I hope to make hk$ 5000 a month for supporting my family.   我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。--I have come here for an interview by appointment,Nice to meet you.


    提出疑问   我可以进来吗?--May I come in?   对不起,我可以见约翰先生吗?--Excuse me,May I see Mr .John?   你们是不是在招聘文秘?--You is it right?--In secretarial?   请问,人事部在哪儿?--Excuse me,how to get the personnel department?   你们能给多少工资?--You can provide a salary?   你们将给我安排什么职位?--You will be what kind of job for me?   我需要提供什么材料吗?--I need what material?   如果我们聘用你,你什么时候能上班?--If we decided to offer you the job,when could you start?   你们大概什么时候会作出决定吗?--Do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision?   情景短对话   A:你以前在哪里工作?--where were you employed?   B:因为我刚离开学校,以前我从未工作过.I have never been employed before,because i just finished my study.   A:你过去做过什么工作?--What did you do in the past?   B:我曾在一家贸易公司担任秘书。--I have been a secretary in a trading company.   A:请你谈谈你的工作经验?--Would you tell me your employment history?   B:我刚大家毕业,希望找个工作。--I have just graduated from college,I hope to look for a job.   A:你以前担任过什么职务?--What positions have you held before?   B:办公室各种工作我都能做,希望你能给我一个工作机会。--I can do all kinds of office work,I hope you could give me the opportunity to work for you.   A:你以前做过在这方面的工作吗?--Have you been employed in this field?   B:我曾做过推销员的工作,但现在的公共关系工作我也能做。--I have been a salesman but now,I can do public relations.   A:你个性上特点是什么?--What is your strongest trait?   B:乐于助人和关心他人。--Helpfulness and caring.   A:你能承受工作上的压力吗?--Do you work well under stress or pressure?   B:我想可以。--Yes,I think so.

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