

发布时间: 2019-09-21 14:44:49

       常用例句   1 .The countries I would like to visit most would be Australia  the United States of America andKenya.        我想去游览的*是澳大利亚、美国和肯尼亚。   2·How long did you say we'll stay here?   你说我们要停留多久?   3 .How many minutes will we be here?   我们在这有几分钟?   4 .What time should we be back?   我们什么时候应该回到车上?   5 .What time are we leaving here?   我们什么时候再出发?   6 .We'll have a ten-minute rest stop.   我们在这里休息十分钟。   7 .We'll have a thirty-minute break for lunch.   我们在这里休息半小时吃午饭。   8 .How would you like to come to Seattle with meover spring break?   春假期间你愿意和我一起去西雅图吗?   9 .We're approaching the Big Ben in a short while.   一会儿我们就会看到大本钟了。   11.It was made by Sir Benjamin Hall.   他是本杰明·霍尔爵士建造的。   12.When was it built?   它是什么时候建成的?   13.If someone offered to pay all my expenses for aholiday, I think I would decide to fly around theworld.   如果有人主动提出愿意负担我的所有费用,我想我会去环游世界。   14.Australia is a very interesting country to visit,which is so very different from my own.   澳大利亚是一个很值得一游的有趣*,和我的*完全不同。   15.I would really like to find out how the Aboriginalpeople live in Australia today.   我很想知道澳大利亚的土著居民现在是怎么生活的。   A: What a breathtaking sight!   这风景真令人心旷神怡!   B: It is, isn't it?   是啊,一点不错!


         对话范例   A: Do you think it's all right to smoke?   可以在这儿抽支烟吗?   B: I don't think so. The sign says no smoking.   我看不行,标志上写着“请勿吸烟”。   C:…and on your right is the Teton Range.Thetallest peak is called Grand Teton. This area firstbecame known to white men in 1807 or 1808…instriking contrast to the youth of the mountainrange is the great age of the rocks themselves...   ……在你们右边是蒂顿山脉.高的山峰叫大蒂顿山。白人首次知道这个地区是在1807或!808年……这些山脉虽然年轻,可是岩石本身却很古老……A: Excuse me,I didn't quite catch what he saidabout the age of the mountains.   对不起,我没听清楚他说这些!.i1的年龄是多少。   B: He said the mountain range is very young but therocks themselves are very old.   他说山脉虽然年轻,但岩石却很占老。   A:Isee.Thank you.   哦,谢谢您。   C: Here we are at our rest stop. Please return to thebus by 10:30.   现在我们到了休息站,请在十点半以前回到车上来。

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