

发布时间: 2019-09-21 15:20:36

       简单精华句   Do I pay in advance or is the internet access added to my bill?网费我是先付钱还是算到账单里?   I need a wake-up call for tomorrow morning.明早我需要一个叫醒服务。   We're checking out of room 301.           301退房。   Your suggestions are always welcome.欢迎您提出意见。        实用延展句   1、Please give me a wakeup call tomorrow morning.   请明早打电话叫我起床。   2、Do you provide photocopy services?   你们提供复印服务吗?   3、I want to check out.   我想退房。   4、I'm leaving.   我要走了。   5、My stay is over.   我要走了。   6、My visit is over.   我的旅行结束了。   7、We'll be back next time when we're in town.   我们下次到这里来,还住你们店。   8、Do you provide a special discount for patrons?   你们对老顾客有特殊折扣吗?


        情景对话一   A:Hi, do you provide broadband?   B:Yes, we provide wireless.   A:I don't have a wireless card.   B:We also offer wired access through an Ethernet jack in your room.   A:What steps do I need to take in order to get online?   B:Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer, and you're good to go.   A:How does the hotel charge for internet access?   B:4 dollars per hour.   A:Do I pay in advance or is the internet access added to my bill?   B:You can add it to your bill if you like.   A:你好,你们提供宽带吗?   B:是的,我们提供无线上网。   A:我没有无线上网卡。   B:房间里也有以太网接口提供有线上网。   A:我需要怎样设置才能上网呢?   B:把网线插到您电脑上,就可以上网了。   A:网费怎么收的?   B:4美元一小时。   A:我是先付钱还是算到账单里?   B:您要是愿意就算账单里。        情景对话二   A:We're checking out of room 301.   B:Sorry you are a bit late. You will be charged a ten-dollar late charge for checking out after 11:00 a.m.   A:I'm afraid we overslept. Here are the keys.   B:So it's 90 dollars plus the late fee.   A:Here is my debit card.   B:OK. Here is your receipt. Have a safe trip home.   A:We'll be back next time when we're in town.   B:We provide a special discount for patrons.   A:301退房。   B:抱歉,你们有点晚了。11:00以后退房要多交10美元。   A:我们睡过头了。这是钥匙。   B:所以房费加多交的钱一共是900   A:这是我的借记卡。   B:好的。这是您的收据。祝您一路平安。   A:我们下次到这里来,还住你们店。   B:我们对老顾客有特殊折扣。        以上是由广州韦博英语小编为您整理的旅馆的英语的全部内容。

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