

发布时间: 2019-09-27 17:35:59


宁波韦博国际英语师资力量雄厚,外籍教师均有外籍专家证并通过国际TESOL英语教师认证,有丰富的教学经验及商务背景,中方语言教师英语专业8级及以上并具有丰富英语教学经验。 Amber Constellation Virgo University Donghua University Target Clients All students who are enthusiastic to English Introduction My name is Amber. I was graduated from Donghua University and my major is English.I enjoy reading in my spare time, and traveling around the world is my life dream. I love the beautiful scenes and fantastic local customs and food. As an old saying: Man who travels far knows more.My friends and my parents always regard me as an inborn teacher because of my patience and easygoing. I always concentrate myself into the job I enjoy. I will have a high sense of responsibility and strong passion with my job. I hope we can all achieve our goals and improve our English skills together in WEB! Hobbies and Interests Reading, traveling,movies and music Courses OC, IB,T&Extra classes, EC,TouchStone and VIP classes. Personality patient and easy-going, responsible and energetic 宁波韦博英语帮助韦博的学员有效提高英语,运用多元教学法,深度结合外教面授课+智能多媒体课件,帮助学员快速突破英语学习瓶颈,真正掌握语言运用能力,更多师资介绍,请进入宁波韦博英语师资页面,更多课程请进入宁波韦博英语主页。

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 天才领路者网站详细了解



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