Badminton羽毛球 It is a pleasure to…很高兴…… A: It's a pleasure to have you over.很高兴你们能来。 B:Hey,let's all head out back to stretch our legs.嘿,我们到后院活动活动筋骨吧。 It is a pleasure to…是一种礼貌的说法,表示“很乐意或很荣幸去做某事”。类似的说法还有: I'm glad to.../I'm delighted to... dead beat筋疲力尽 A : You look so tired.你看上去很累。 B:I played badminton the whole afternoon and came back dead beat.我一下午都在打羽毛球,回来时筋疲力尽了。 这是成语转变而来的理语,是exhausted to the point of being dead的省略语。beat是beat-en(筋疲力尽或精神沮丧)的古体词;dead(死的)则是death(死亡)的苏格兰方言。dead beat指“筋疲力尽的人”还可作“赖账的人”或“手头拮据的人”。如:He lost much money and became a dead beat.他丢失了很多钱,因而手头拮据了。

经典金句 1. Hs opponent returns it quickly. 对方及时地回击那个球。 2. It is a deep high serve. 这发的是一个高远球。 3. What a beautiful backhand stroke! 多漂亮的反手扣杀啊! 4. That backhand stroke Ywis magnificent. 那个反手球妙极了。 5.Lin Dan is an excellent shuttler. 林丹是位杰出的羽毛球手。 6.They are both good at serving. 他们两位球都发得很好。 情景对话 A: Why are you staying home this afternoon,Ling? B:The badminton single's final is going to begin soon. A:Isn't it going to be Indonesia VS. Korea? B:Yes. The indonesian Tao Feike will play against Korea's Sun Shengmo. Let's watch the match together. A : All right. B : The athletes are warming up on the court. This is going to be a tough match for both teams. A:玲,今天下午干嘛待在家里? B:羽毛球单打决赛马上就开始了。 A:是印尼对韩国吧? B:是啊,由印尼的陶菲克对阵韩国选手孙升模。 一起看吧。 A:好。 B:运动员正在场上热身,这场比赛双方一定会打得非常艰苦。 高频词汇 badminton 羽毛球 carry 持球 court craft 球艺 dribble 连击 fault 失误 let ball 擦网球 long serve长发球 net tap 触网 以上是由上海汉普森英语小编为您整理的羽毛球英语怎么说的全部内容。
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