

发布时间: 2019-09-29 10:28:50

  想要取得写作的高分希望大家一定要重视写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下写作技巧是 什么,成都美联英语小编为您提供作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于警察英语对话。


      情景对话   Police:Hello! Police Station.   Mrs. Lee:Hello! My house has been burglarized.   Police:What's your name and address, Madam?   Mrs. Lee:It's 8 Grand Avenue. And this is Mrs. Lee.   Police:Madam, when did this happen?   Mrs. Lee:This morning. I went to sleep and forgot to lock the window, and a burglar came in through the window and cleaned us out.   Police:Oh?   Mrs. Lee:I mean he took everything of value: money,watches, and other things. What should I do?   Police:I'm sorry about that, Madam, but don't worry too much. We'll send someone to you right away.   Mrs. Lee: Thank you.   Police: Good-bye.   警察:您好!这里是警察局。   李夫人:您好!我被偷了。   警察:夫人,您的姓名与地址是什么?   李夫人:我住豪华街8号。我是李夫人。   警察:夫人,是什么时候发生的?   李夫人:今天早上。我睡觉时忘了关窗户,一个窃贼从窗户钻进来,把我们洗劫一空。   警察:啊?   李夫人:我是说他把值钱的东西都偷走了:钱、手表和其他东西。怎么办?   警察:很遗憾,夫人,不过不要太担心。我们立刻派人到你那儿去。   李夫人:谢谢你。   警察:再见。        常见句子   Can I get in touch with the taxi company?   我可以跟出租车公司联系吗?   I have lost my money.   我的钱丢了。   Perhaps I have lost it on the way.   我可能是在路上丢的。   I left my handbag in a taxi. Traveler's checks and passports were in it.   我把手提包落在一辆出租车上,旅行支票和护照都在里面。   Where's the police station?   警察局在哪儿?   My purse was stolen on the way.   我的钱包在路上被偷了。   I am sure the criminal is near.   我相信罪犯就在附近。    If we have any information, we'll let you know as soon as possible.   若我们有什么消息,我们会尽快通知您。         以上是由成都美联英语小编为您整理的关于警察英语对话的全部内容。

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