

发布时间: 2019-10-01 21:16:33

     GMAT考前逻辑推理题    A researcher discovered that people who have low levels ofimmune-system activity tend to score much lower on tests ofmental health than do people with normal or high immune-system activity. The researcher concluded from this experi-ment that the immune system protects against mental illnessas well as against pysical disease.   The researcher's conclusion would be most seriously weak-ened if it were true that   (A) there was a one-year delay between the completion of apilot study for the experiment and the initiation of theexperiment itself.   (B) people's levels of immune-system activity are not affect-ed by their use of medications.   (C) a few people with high immune-system activity hadscores on the test of mental health that were similar tothe scores of people who had normal immune-system ac-tivity.   (D) people who have low immune-system activity tend tocontract more viral infections than do people with nor-mal or high immune-system activity.   (E) high levels of stress first cause mental illness and thencause decreased immune-system activity in normal indi-viduals.   环球雅思小编翻译:一个研究人员发现免疫系统活性水平较低的人在心理健康测试中得到的分数比免疫系统活性水平正常或较高的人低。该研究人员从这个试验中得出结论,免疫系统既能抵御肉体上的疾病也能抵御心理疾病。   以下哪个如果正确,研究人员的结论将得到有力的削弱?   (A)在针对试验的试验性研究的完成与开始试验本身之间有一年的间隔时间。   (B)人们的免疫系统活性水平没有受到他们服用的药物的影响。   (C)免疫系统活性高的一些人在心理侧试方面的得分与免疫系统活性正常的人的得分相似。   (D)与免疫系统活性正常或高的人相比.免疫系统活性低的人更易得过滤性毒菌引起的感染。   (E)高度压力首先导致心理疾病,然后导致正常人的免疫系统活性的降低。   广州环球雅思培训学校小编解答:本题为反推题型。段落推理为:该研究人员从免疫系统活性水平低与心理健康的低分数的联系中得出结论,免疫系统活性实际上可以抑制心理疾病。很明显,在我们只知道免疫系统活性水平低与心理健康测试得分低这两类事情存在,并不知道是前者导致后者,还是后者导致前者,就得出结论说免疫系统活性实际上可以抑制心理疾病时,就可能会犯错误。如果高度压力导致心理疾病进而导致免疫系统活性降低,正如(E)所说,则会把上段落推理因果倒置,因此,削弱了上面研究人员的结论。所以(E)正确。(A)中的“间隔时间”与上述结论无关;(B)对上面推理也起不到作用;(C)说的是共同点,因此不可能削弱上面结论:(D)与“心理健康测试”无关。   推荐阅读:   广州环球gmat考前冲刺培训班   广州环球gmat精品辅导班   广州环球gmat强化培训班   广州gmat基础强化班   广州gmat基础班   广州gmat精品周末班   标签:GMAT考前逻辑推理题 GMAT考前逻辑推理题 GMAT考前逻辑推理题

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