

发布时间: 2019-10-01 21:35:18



  The general function of a college should be practical skills over theoretical knowledge. Theories should only serve as the knowledge foundation.  However,the college curricilum should primarily consist of practical application.   To begin with,now that the job market,s more competitive than ever and therefor  college graduates need to update themselves with the constant changge  in technology. If students do not learn the practical skills to enhance their technical knowledge,then their theoretical knowledge is useless and as a result,they are unable to advance in their careers.Only if students art equipped with practical and useful skills,will they be able to find a fitting job.   Furthermore,parents view their children's college education as a type of investment similar to other investments,such as purchasing a house,stocks,dividends and so forth. But if practical skills are not the main focus of the college curriculum,then they will receive a bad return on their investment.   In addition,if theory is the main aim of a college,then students might develop bookworm-like-behavior. This way, they will limit themselves and only be accustomed to act and think within such a mindset. Students are prone to build habits that reflect their mere understanding of theoretical knowledge. And consequently,they have no clue about how to apply this knowledge base.   In conclusion,admittedly,theory should be instilled in college. But I believe the main aim of a college should be practical skills because a college's goal should be train their apprentices to    these skills for their future careers.        译文:   *教育应着重实践技能,而非理论知识。理论仅作为知识基础.*课程应把重点放在实际应用上。   首先,现在的市场竞争比以往任何时候都要激烈。*毕业生需要不断提升自己以适应新科技的发展。假如学生不利用实践性技巧来强化自己学过的技术性知识,那么他们的理论知识就毫无用武之地,他们也就无法发展自己的事业。只有学生具备实践性和实用的技能,才能找到适合的工作。   其次,家长将自己儿女的*教育当成一种投资,就像其它投资类型,比如购买房产、股票、红利等。但是假如*课程中没有把实践技巧作为教学重点.就会让家长觉得没有得到好的投资回报。   再次.假如*主要的目标是理论教学,那么学生可能变成“书虫”,只会以固定的思维模式做事和思考。学生有可能仅仅按照理论知识来形成自己的行为习惯.却不知如何将理论利用到真实生活中去。   总之,在*里面教学理论并不是错误的想法。但是我认为*的教学重点应该是实践技能.因为*的任务应该是根据学生未来的职业方向来培训学生的能力。        以上是由深圳环球雅思小编问您整理的关于*教育英语作文的全部内容。

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