倒进停车道.Back your car into the driveway.
倒入停车位.Back your car into the parking space.
倒行50英尺。--Back your car for a distance of about 50 feet.
你现在可以倒车了我这边己净空了。--You can back your car now my side is clear.
我知道这附近有一家汽车修理店。--I know there is a car repair shop near here.
我的车发动补起来了,不知道为什么。--My car wont start I'dont know why it just wont crank up.
电池没电了,我该把我的车拿去保养了.We have a dead battery now.I'd better put this car
in service.
我明天会去接你.I'll pick you up tomorrow.
快点上车.Come on jump in the car.
大家都下车吧.Everybody gets out.
我必须先回去把车放好.I need to go back to drop my car off.
天啊,他开车真是有够慢的。--Man hes as slow as Christmas.
我快没油了。--I'm almost out of gas.
给我加满无铅汽油,谢谢。--Fill it up,Unleaded please.
我们开车去兜风吧。--Let's go for a ride.
坐好,我要开动了。--Sit tight .I'm gonna floor it.
你能不能打开行李箱?--Can you pop the trunk ?
需要你稍我一段么?--You can drop me around the corner ?
你需要搭我的便车。--Do you need a ride We can car pool.
你在哪儿下车?--Where can I drop you?
你可不可以不要再哆嗦了,我不需要你教我怎么开车?--Would you stop being a backseat driver I dont need you toteach me how to drive?
他干嘛一直跟着我?--Why is he tailgating us?
你知道近的加油站在哪里吗?--Do you know where the nearest gas station is?
你何不与我一起搭车?--So why don't you ride shotgun with me?
我的车子电池没电了,能不能接电给我?--I have a dead battery,can you jump my car?
A:我的车出问题了我想是爆胎了。--Theres something wrong with my car I think we have a flat tire here.
B:我们能不能拿去汽车保养场把它补一补。--Can we take it to the workshop and ask them to fix it.
A:为什么它的性能还这么好?--Why is it still working so well?
B:我经常给它保养。--I put it in service.
A:你的车子可以载几个人?--How many people can fit in your car?
B:我的车能载四个人。--I can take four people.
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