

发布时间: 2019-10-02 23:10:46



  1 Do you like swimming?   你喜欢游泳吗?   Ever since I was really little,I've always liked swimming. In fact it's my favorite kind of exercise. I generally swim during the summer. I can do freestyle,breaststroke and backstroke.   从小我就一直喜欢游泳。这是我喜欢的运动。我一般在夏天游泳。我会自由泳、蛙泳和仰泳。   星级词汇:   breaststroke n.蛙泳  backstroke n.仰泳.   2 When did you learn to swim?   你什么时候学的游泳?   When I was in second grade,my school had a summer camp to teach us how to swim. A couple of classmates and I signed up for it. There was a swimming pool right next to our school. The instructor was a lifeguard. She first taught us how to float,then how to do breaststroke and then how to do freestyle. I picked swimming up pretty quickly. As amatter of fact,I signed up for this camp every summer.   **的时候,我们学校有一个夏令营教孩子们游泳。我和几个同学一起报名参加了。我们的学校旁边有一个游泳池,教练是游泳池的救生员。她先教我们怎么浮起来,然后教我们蛙泳和自由泳。我学得很快,之后每年暑假都参加那个夏令营的游泳活动。   星级词汇:   lifeguard n.救生员   float vi.漂浮   3 Where do  people swim?   人们在哪里游泳?   Most people swim in the swimming pool because that's the only type of facility in town that can accommodate swimming and it's safer than in natura1 bodies of water.  But people that live by the sea or a lake like to enjoy nature and swim there. Some people even swimin the reservoir;but I don't agree with this sort of behavior because it affects the local environment and water supply.   多数人在游泳池游泳,因为每个城市都有游泳池,而且比在海里或者湖里游安全。   但住在海边和河边的人会去海里和河里游,享受大自然。还有一些人甚至会去水库游泳,我不赞成这种行为,因为这样会影响当地的环境和水供给。   星级词汇:   reservoir n.水库   以上是由珠海环球雅思小编为您整理的雅思口语对话:关于游泳的全部内容。

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