

发布时间: 2019-10-05 13:12:20

  1) Could you tell me the difference between Western oil paintings and Chinese ink paintings?   请问西方油画与*画的区别何在?   2) Oil paintings are created by colors and brush touches while traditional Chinese paintings are by lines and strokes.   西方油画重色彩和润饰,而*画则重线条与笔触。   3) This painting is of a school in ancient meticulous style known as "Gongbi" in Chinese.   这幅画属于用笔细腻精致的古老画派,汉语中称为“工笔画”。   4) This is a landscape painting in the free-sketch style which is called "Xieyi" or impression painting.   这是一幅风格自由的风景素描画,被称为写意画或印象派画。   5) This one is known for the beauty of lines,that one for their vigorous and bold strokes.   这一幅以线条优美著称,那一幅以笔画粗犷雄健著称。   6) Don't you notice its relaxed mannerism and rhythmic skill?   您注意到它那种飘逸独特而又节奏分明的韵味了吗?   7) His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.   他的书法苍劲有力。   8) Handwriting is judged by the quality of the brushwork and the abstract beauty of strokes.   鉴赏书法既要看笔底功力又要看笔画的抽象美。   9) You can really get a lot from a piece of Chinese calligraphy.   从一幅*书法作品中,你能读出好多东西。   10) Calligraphy manifests the basic characteristics of all Chinese arts.   书法比较集中地体现了*艺术的基本特征。


    情景对话   A: Welcome to our shop. Could I help you?   欢迎光临,需要我的帮助吗?   B: Yes. I'd like to buy a flower-and-bird painting for my living room.   是的。我想为我的客厅买幅花鸟画。   A: There are many flower-and-bird paintings in our shop. You can have a look first.   我们店有很多的花鸟画。您可以先看看。   B: OK. This kind of flowers are so big and char-ming. What flowers are they?   好的。这种花又大又关,它们是什么花呢?   A: You have such a good taste. They are peonies,and peony is the national flower of China. It's the symbol of rich and honour.   您的眼力真好。它们是牡丹,牡丹是*的国花。它象征着富贵。   B: That sounds good. I'd like to take it. I think it's suitable for the living room.   这听起来很好。我就要它了。我想它很适合放客厅里。   A: You can say that again. It's a good choice for you.   您说的太对了。对您来说可真是好的选择。   B: How much is it?   多少钱?   A: It's two thousand yuan.   2000元   B: OK. Here you are. Can you wrap it for me?   好的。你能为我包一下吗?   A: Of course. I'll roll it up and put it in a woodenbox, which is easy for you to carry.   当然。我把它卷起来给您放在木盒里,这样您就容易携带了。   B: Thanks a lot.   多谢。   A: You are welcome.   不客气。

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