

发布时间: 2019-10-08 11:52:23

  外贸拒绝订单的常用英文句子,订单来了,但却因为各种各样的原因不能完成,只能够决绝该交易,如何用英文写邮件如何委婉的拒绝客人的订单?一起来看看外贸拒绝订单的常用英文句子   We are sorry to say that the quantity of cotton at the market justnow is very small and prices consequently have advanced. It is, there-fore, out of our power to execute your order.   这是不得已的事,因为当地棉花市场缺货,价格上涨。所以对此次贵公司的订货我公司无法供应,请原谅。     Your order for a supply of our booklet A Wonderful Story has notbeen filled, because of our inability to procure the necessary paper forprinting.   由于所需印刷纸张无法解决,因此,贵公司订购我公司发行的杂志“奇闻奇事”未能安排。     We regret to say that on the terms mentioned, we find it impossibleto fill same.   实在对不起,由于此次贵公司的订货条件,我公司无法供应。     We have none of this particular make in stock at the moment, and,owing to the great pressure at the mills, we are afraid we cannot guaran-tee delivery within less than three months of receipt of orders.   目前,关于此类特制品,没有存货,工厂也无法立即制造。因此,我们很担心,在接到订单后,恐怕不能确保在三个月内交货,敬请谅解。     更多商务英语资讯请进入【广州美联英语】http://www.edutt.com/member/gzml.html  更多商务英语培训请进入【广州商务英语培训】

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