

发布时间: 2019-10-08 11:56:43

  外贸函电中怎么表达歉意?因为种种原因需要得到对方谅解,这种情况下外贸函电针对道歉应当怎么措辞?一起来看看外贸函电中怎么表达歉意?   Meanwhile, I can only ask you to accept my apologies.   此时,我只能请您接受我的歉意。   We apologize you for the mistake.   请您宽恕我们的这一错误。   We apologize you for troubling you.   麻烦不少,请您宽恕。   We are sorry to learn from your letter of the 10th May that your cus-tomer is still dissatisfied with the condition.   从你们5月10日信中得知,你方客户仍对该条件不表满意,甚为遗憾。   We are sorry that we have taken the liberty in writing you prema-turely on the subject.   在时机尚未成熟以前,我们就冒昧地写信谈及此事,对此甚表遗憾。   We regret to inform you that our premises at 15 R. C. were partlydestroyed by fire yesterday afternoon   我们遗憾地告诉您,本公司在R. C. 15的房产,因昨日下午失火,已部分烧毁。   I learnt with regret of the failure of messrs P. R.&Co.   听说P. R.公司已破产,甚为遗憾。   Please acceptour apologies for theinconvenience this matter hasgiven you.   对此事给您带来的不便,请接受我们的歉意。     更多商务英语资讯请进入【厦门美联英语】http://www.edutt.com/member/xmml.html  更多商务英语培训请进入【厦门商务英语培训】

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