

发布时间: 2019-10-10 20:24:14

  常用词句   a brief speech简短的发言   a campaign speech竞选演说   a closing speech闭幕词   a congratulatory speech贺词   a curtain speech谢幕词   a dull speech枯燥无味的演说   a farewell speech告别词   a flat speech单调的演说   a forma一speech正式演说   a lengthy speed 冗长的演说   a man of blunt speech说话直率的人   a man of rapid speech口齿流利的人   a man of slow speech口齿迟钝的人   a passionate speech热情洋溢的演说   a pointless speech不得要领的演说   a pretentious speech夸夸其谈的演说   a rambling speech东拉西扯的演说   a speech for the defence(法庭上的)辩护词   a speech on the war关于战争的演说   a suggestive speech很有启发性的演说   a tedious speech冗长乏味的演说   a tiresome speech沉闷的演说   a violent/fierce speech激烈的演说   a welcoming speech欢迎词


    an after-dinner speech餐后演讲   an answering speech答词   an eloquent speech雄辩的演说   an empty speech内容空洞的演说   an impassioned speech慷慨激昂的演说   an impromptu/offhand speech即席演说   an incendiary speech煽动性的演说   an opening speech开幕词   be startled beyond speech 吃惊得说不出来.   compose a speech写一篇演讲   deliver a speech extemporaneously即席发表演说.   educated speech有教养的谈吐   everyday speech日常用语   figure of speech修辞格   flattering speech奉承的言语   free speech言论自由   give speech to one's feelings说出自己的感情.   give/make/deliver”speech作演讲   have an impediment in speech说话口吃   hear a speech out把演讲听完   in colloquial speech用口语   in ordinary speech在日常话语中   infant speech幼儿言语   make a radio speech发表广播讲话   parts of speech词类   people of affected speech说话矫揉造作的人.   proverbs long current in popular speech在大众语言中长期流传的谚语.   reported speech间接引语   standard speech标准语   the direct/indirect speech直接/间接引语   the diversity of human speech人类言语的多样性.   the faculty of speech言词能力   the native speech of Ireland爱尔兰方言   the provincial speech方言   the speech of the common people老百姓的语言.   the subject of a speech演说的主题

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