

发布时间: 2019-10-10 20:48:37

  长寿不是梦   1. Do you know how to live a longer life except doing physicalexercise?你知道除了运动外,还有什么办法可以长寿吗?   2. What and how should we eat in order to have a longer life?   要想长寿,我们应该吃什么,怎么吃?   3. What kind of environment is suitable to live a longer life?   什么样的环境适合长寿?   4. Well, you should also have a healthy eating style.唔,你应该有一个健康的饮食习惯。   5. People should have a regular and balanced meals everyday.   人们每天的饮食应该有规律,营养均衡。   6. There should be less pollution and more fresh air.应该是污染少,并且有更多新鲜空气的地方。


          对话范例   A: People are more concerned their lives span today than ever.   And they all want to know how to live a longer life. Whatwill help live a longer life?   B: There are many factors affecting the life span. The environ-ment,eating habits, exercising, and medical care all havesomething to do with a long life.   A:Which factor do you think is the most important one amongthese?   B: Actually, the scientists can not say which one most deter-mines a life span. But in my opinion, the most importantfactor is the mental attitude. Living and keeping optimisticcan help people prolong their lives.   A:Yes,I agree with you. My grandma is over 90 and stilllooks energetic. And she always keeps a light heart lifelong and is never pissed off.   B: Yeah. The scientists have surveyed that most people whohave a long life have an optimistic attitude towards theirlives.   A:We young people should try to keep a light heart in such afast-paced society.   B:Right, we young people have more and more pressure ofwork,family and society. A light heart is really importantfor us.   A:现在人们比以前更加关心他们的寿命了。人们都想知道如何才能长寿。什么能帮助人长寿呢?   B:影响寿命的因素很多。环境、饮食习惯、运动和医疗保障都与长寿有关。   A:你认为这其中哪个因家重要呢?   B:事实上,科学家也不能指出哪个因素决定寿命。但是我认为,心态重要。保持乐观的态度生活能使我们长寿。   A:是的,我同意.我的外婆90多岁了,看起来仍然很精神。她一生都保持平和的心态,从不动怒。   B:是的。科学家已经调查说大多数长寿的人都能用积极乐观的态度来面对他们的生活。   A:在快节奏的社会里,我们年轻人更应该保持一个平和的心态。   B:对,我们年轻人来自工作、家庭和社会的压力越来越大。一个平和的心态对我们来说真的很重要。        以上是由上海新东方小编为您整理的长寿用英语怎么说的全部内容。

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