

发布时间: 2019-10-15 17:21:23

        银行开户英语   B: How would you like to deposit your money?   A:你好,我想开个账户。   B:你想开哪种账户?   A: I'd like to open a new account.   B: What kind of account do you like? A fixed deposit or a current?   A:我想开一个新账户。   B:你想开一个什么样的账户?定期还是活期?   A: Do you have minimum original deposit?   B: Yes, our minimum deposit for a savings account is 10 Yuan.   A:你们有低存款限额吗?   B:有,我们储蓄账户的低存款额是10元。


    A: Do you have any service charge for opening an account?   B: No, you can open a savings account at any time.   A:新开账户收手续费吗?   B:不收,你可以随时开立储蓄账户。   A: I would like to open a current account.   B: OK, 5 Yuan is the minimum original deposit.   A:我想开一个活期账户。   B:好的,低开户存款额是5元。   A: I want to close my account with you.   B: OK, please fill this form first.   A:我想要销掉在这里的账户。   B:好的,请先填一下这张表格。   存款常用表达   * open an account开户头   *current deposit活期存款   *fixed deposit定期存款   *joint account联名存款账户   *fixed deposit by   installments零存整取        以上是由上海新东方小编为您整理的银行开户英语的全部内容。

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