

发布时间: 2019-10-15 18:49:21

  有情绪又不能发泄是不是更让人生气,用母语我们当然知道如何表达自己的情绪,但是用英语我们又要如何把自己的情绪表达得淋漓尽致呢?这一节里我们就来学习一下吧!   1.It made me nuts.那让我很生气。   A:So how do you feel about Jenny's decision?   B:It made me nuts.   甲:  那么你觉得珍妮的决定怎么样,   乙:  那让我很生气。   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   It really makes me angry.   That really ticks me off.   That infuriates me.   It makes me so mad.   2.He's driving me crazy.他快把我气疯了。   A: So how is having David stay at your house?   B: He's driving me crazy.   甲:那么让大卫住在你那儿还好吗,   乙:他快把我气疯了。   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   He's making me crazy.   He's driving me nuts.   He's making me lose it.


    3.This made his blood boil.这令他怒不可遏。   A: So his landlord evicted him for no reason?   B: Yep. This made his blood boil   甲:他的房东毫无理由地就把他赶出去了,   乙:是的,这令他怒不可遏。   4.She has flipped out!她气疯了!   A: What's the deal with Chelsea?   B: She has flipped out!   甲:切尔西怎么了   乙:她气疯了,   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   She's gone crazy/ nuts/ bonkers!   She's lost it!   She's loony!   5.I’ve never been this angry.我还从没这么生气过。   A: So you got fired?   B: Yeah. I've never been this angry.   甲:就是说你被解雇了?   乙:是的,我还从没这么生气过。   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I've never been so mad in my life.   I've never been so angry in my whole life This is the angriest I've ever been.   6.You're getting on my nerves.你快让我烦死了。   A: Are you OK? You seem like something's wrong.   B: You're getting on my nerves.   甲:你还好吧,你看上去不太对劲儿。   乙:你快让我烦死了。   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   You're pushing my buttons.   You're really bugging me.   You're really getting to me.   7.I am really sick of you.我真受不了你了。   A: I am really sick of you.   B: Fine. I will leave.   A: Just go.   甲:我真受不了你了。   乙:那好,我走。   甲:快点走吧。

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