

发布时间: 2019-10-15 19:05:06


  A: I need to get some beef.   B: Do you know what kind of beef you want?   A: I want to get some ground beef(牛肉馅,碎牛肉).   B: How many pounds do you need?   A: I would like four pounds of ground beef.   B: What kind of ground beef do you need?   A: I would like the extra lean(精瘦肉).   B: Let me go and get that for you.   A: Thank you very much.   B: No problem.   A: I'll wrap it up for you now.   B: I appreciate that.   A:我得买些牛肉。   B:你想要什么样的牛肉呢?   A:我想买一些牛肉(牛肉馅,碎牛肉)。   B:你需要多少磅?   A:我要四磅的牛肉。   B:你需要什么样的牛肉?   A:我想超瘦的肉(精瘦肉)。   B:让我去给你拿吧。   A:非常感谢你。   B:没问题。   A我会为你包起来的。   B:我很乐意您这样做。        常用句式:   Butcher : do you want beef or lamb ?   肉商:你想要牛肉还是要小羊肉?   She cut a slice of beef from the joint .   她从大块的牛肉上切下一片来。   They've bought zire's place cheaply .   齐雷的地方,他们买得太便宜了。   I will give you a pound in part payment .   我会给你一镑作为先付部分。   Enclosed is an order for fifty pounds .   信中附有一张五十英镑的汇单。   I paid my bill and have several pounds over ..   我付了账还剩了好几镑。

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