

发布时间: 2019-10-17 15:52:00

  关于跳舞的英语口语对话   A : May I have the first dance?   A:我可以和您跳一支舞吗?   B: With pleasure!   B:非常荣幸!   A: I know that you are a good dancer. What dances do you like?   A:我知道您是跳舞高手。您喜欢什么舞蹈?   B: I like the old styles of dance, such as fox-trot, waltz, rumba, tango, and so on. They are all so graceful.   B:我喜欢老式舞,像狐步舞、华尔兹、伦巴、探戈等。这些舞都非常优美。   A: Why do you like the old styles of dance?   A:您为什么喜欢老式舞呢?   B: Do you think I should like modem dances?   B:您认为我应该喜欢现代舞?   A: I think so, because most young people like modern dances, such as rock and roll, the twist, and especially break dancing.   A:我认为应该是,因为大多数年轻人喜欢跳现代舞,比如摇滚舞、扭摆舞,尤其是喜欢跳霹雳舞。   B: Oh,sorry, I don't dance rumba. Rose can do it well. Why not ask her?   B:哦,对不起,我不会跳伦巴舞。罗斯跳得很好。您为什么不去请她呢?   A: Yes. I will. Thank you.   A:是的,我会去的。谢谢您。   B: You are welcome.   B:不客气。   A: I admire your grace.   A:我欣赏您的优美舞姿。   B: That's very kind of you to say so.   B:您对我说这些真是太好了。   A: Thanks. I'll go to ask her.   A:谢谢。我去请她。   B:Enjoy yourself!   B:玩得开心! 去看看:英语口语 婚礼礼仪   标签:关于跳舞的英语口语对话

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