

发布时间: 2022-09-04 17:08:25

  旅行中常用的英语对话  购物时:   .能让我看一下吗?   Hello, I'm just looking, OK?   .我可以试穿一下吗?   Can I try this one on?   .还有其他颜色吗?   Do you have any other colors?   .这个多少钱?   How much is this?   .能便宜点吗?   Could you give me a discount?   .请把这个给我。   I will take this.   .我会再来。   I will come back again.   .我想退货。   Can I return this one?   .有大号(小号)的吗?   Do you have a bigger ( smaller ) one?   .可以用信用卡们付钱(T/C)吗?   Do you accept credit cards( travellers check)?     在酒店里:   .把钥匙忘在房间里了。   I've left my key in the room.   .我能把行李寄存在您这儿吗?   Could you keep my baggage?     在公交、出租车里:   .这班公交去OO?   Does this bus go to OO?   .到了OO请告诉我一声。   Please let me know when we arrive at OO.   .请去OO。   Please take me to OO。   .我在这里下。   I will get down here.     在餐厅:   .我想预订今晚6点的座位,两个人。   Can I make a reservation for 2 at 6 o'clock tonight?   .我想要靠窗(公共区)的座位。   Can I have a window-side ( an open air ) table?   .请让我看一下菜单。   Please show me the menu.   .肉菜您有什么可以推荐的吗?   Which meat dish do you recommend?   .要一个鸡肉炒饭。   One chicken rice .please,   .请结账。   Check, please.   本文标题:旅行中常用的英语对话-东莞韦博英语

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