

发布时间: 2021-09-03 12:29:11

  广州sat哪里培训好 广州紫铭SAT考试满分冲刺班   授课内容   查缺补漏、搏取高分。重个性服务,随时交流、答疑,赠留学规划、申请面试指导。   授课师资   北京紫铭学校(总校)统一调配,教学质量全程跟踪,监控。国内罕有的SAT专职专家研究团队教研支持。   其他   重个性服务,随时交流、答疑,赠留学规划、申请面试指导。   授课教材   紫铭教育SAT本土化教材  咨询电话:400-850-8622 咨询Q:1375738386 点击这里给我发消息 胡老师。   去学校看看>> 广州紫铭教育http://www.edutt.com/member/gzzm.html   sat小知识:   类别一必备素材一:从失败到成功的故事   典型例题   Can something unsuccessful turn into something good?   例子重点:失败的细节-略加过渡-成功的细节学生范文   Point: Very true is the saying that failure can teach us a lot.   Illustration: Last year, I participated in the election of the president for the student union.   Although I thought I had performed confidently, convincingly and calmly, I did not acquire the position.   (营造失败)Later,I realized that I merely concentrated on the personal manner, emotional expressions,eye contact with listeners and other intangible elements while I did not propose concrete and practicalideas to operate the student union effectively.(营造过渡)After recognizing my deficiency, I felt that Ibecame more intelligent and mature despite the unsuccessful experience.(营造成功)Explanation: Consequently, it is the good thing of meaningful and valuable enlightenment that arises from unsuccessful things   范文点评:本文语言精练,基本结构清晰,但是这个素材非常缺乏细节。硬伤是成功这个点的营造。他写道:“我觉得我变得更聪明,更成熟。”但是实际情况是,这样的阐述算不上成功的细节,因为这只是作者内心的想法,并不是事实。   基本评分:8-9分   引申话题   Is memory a help or a hindrance in helping us learn from the past and succeed in the future?   这是官方样题里的一个话题,因为配有满分范文。所以拿出来让考生借鉴一下。   题目翻译:在大家认识过去和获得成功的过程中,记忆是帮助还是阻碍?   题目分析归类:某些考生可能已经发现.其实这个题目本质上就是从失败到成功的故事。因为记忆可以营造成一段失败的经历--从中学到了经验-进而成功。   例子重点:memory--失败的经历--learn from the past从过去中学到了经验--help帮助自己一succeed in the future后成功   标签:广州sat哪里培训好 广州sat培训  广州哪里培训sat好

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