通常而言,商务英语就是一种专门用途英语(English for Specific Purposes, ESP).二十世纪后期,随着经济全球化的迅猛发展,商务英语已取代科技英语成为专门用途英语中为重要的一个分支。至今,商务英语已初步形成了一个独立的专业教学体系,而且正在发展成为一个独立的*分支。作为一个*,首先有必要对一些基本概念进行明确界定,事实上,已有不少国内外学者对商务英语这一概念进行了解释和定义,例如:
(1)Business English is for business people who need to,or will soon need to,use English in their work. It may also be used by adult students who will be entering the world of business at the end of their course of studies.(剑桥商务英语BEC考试大纲)
(2)Business English must be seen in the overall context of English for Specific Purposes(ESP),as it shares the important elements of needs analysis,syllabus design,and material selection and development which are common to all fields of work in ESP. As with other varieties of ESP,Business English implies the definition of a specific language corpus and emphasis on particular kinds of communication in a specific context.(Ellis&Johnson,1994)(Ellis,M.&Johnson,C.,Teaching Business English Oxford University Press,1994)
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