

发布时间: 2019-11-02 19:52:58


  宁波江东商务英语培训哪家好?宁波爱尚英语是由宁波江东思瑞福教育培训学校创办的专业英语培训学校。爱尚英语秉持开拓创新的办学理念,大胆颠覆传统的教学模式,以“学英语 更快、更有效”做为学校的办学目标,以快速提升学员英语水平。 课程介绍:   商务英语是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。商务英语课程不只是简单地对学员的英文水平、能力的提高,它更多地是向学员传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,甚至是如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法,以及他们的生活习惯。   课程目标:   1、掌握5000个商务和经济词汇,1000个特定商务习惯用语,熟练掌握商业PPT报告,商务演说等;   2、以精选的上百个经典商务场景话题为切入点,引导学生讨论相关问题,如商务谈判、对外投资合作、各种商业信函和文件、拟定和修改商业合同、海外并购、公司战略规划等;   3、为企业中高层管理者提高商务英语的使用和运用能力,同时通过案例分析和讨论,开拓中高层管理团队的思路和国际视野。   课程特色:   1、学习周期:4-12个月   2、上课时间:学习时间灵活,可自主安排学习时间;   今天的努力,决定明天的高度   教学服务:   授课老师、课程顾问、学习顾问三对一全程跟踪辅导,帮助学员依照学习计划实现学习目标。   学习效果:   1、能用英文和外国客户顺利沟通,熟练掌握商务谈判和对外合作技能;   2、撰写高级别的商务报告、合同,能够独立分析相关行业数据报表,并具备独立策划和执行的能力;   3、熟知世界*企业商务案例,遇到问题时能够及时借鉴并加以改进。 爱尚出色师资介绍 出色学员:Juliana Haven't touched English for ten years, how could I pick up English again? I am such a shy person, dare I talk to foreigners? With these questions, I came to “I show” English school. My tutor and teachers in this school helped me a lot. They are all warm-hearted and friendly. They are my teachers also like my friends. When I talked with them, I don't need to worry about making mistakes in English. Learning from them, I find it important to try my best to achieve the objective.  


出色学员:Jessica There are a lot of different methods for us to learn English well. For example, studying English all by yourself, having class in a training school and so on. Now,I think Ishow English is the best choice. There are good teachers and great study environmentand It offers many kinds of different English classes which you can be entirely involved. After six months of learning, I have summarized a set of learning methods. First, master basic grammar structure. It is the foundation work and good for the next studying. Second, people often forget the words, so it is more important to understand how to describe words than memorizing them. Third, open your mouth and speak English loudly, no matter it is right or wrong.    [图片3]出色学员:Fire Hello, I’m a student here. My name is Fire. I’m from Hubei. First, I am happy that I can study here and it is like a warm family. There are warm smiles, kind communication, reasonable management and great patience .So l love our school very much. I like studying English. My teacher, Jenny, teaches me very carefully. She lets me always keep a keen interest in learning English. English is a good friend of mine. I speak it every day and I use it in our daily life. I do homework every day .The best way to learn English well is to listen more, read more and write more.   师资团队:   1、所有外籍教师均来自母语是英语的*   2、并取得TEFL和TESOL教师资格双重认证   3、商务背景丰富,具有多年在华教学经验的西岸专业教师 选择爱尚的理由: 贴心:充足的面授课,学习效果显著。 安心:学不会免费再读,无后顾之忧。 舒心:自由选择中外教师,自由订课。   相关课程介绍宁波学英语哪里好





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