

发布时间: 2019-11-05 17:10:13


  语法:一般疑问句与反意疑问句—一般疑间句需要主谓倒装。由动词be或have的时态及人称形式,置于主语前,或由助动词be, have, will等,或情态动词。an, may, must等置于主语前。构成倒装或部分倒装语序。回答用yes或n。开头的省略句。当问句以否定形式出现时,应视回答内容的肯定或否定。加上yes或no.举例:Are you happy to receive cards? (No, Iam not.)/Did you see him last month?(Yes,I did.)/Won't you come tomorrow? (No,I won't.)反意疑问句是在陈述句后添上省略的一般疑问句。陈述句肯定。则尾部的间句否定;反之则前否定,后肯定。回答也用yes或no开头的省略句。举例:They took part in the sports meet ,didn't they?(No,they didn't.)/You haven't done yourhomework,have you? (Yes,I have.)

  练习:用yes或no回答问题:   1)Did Bob Stand near the fire?   2) The patient can hardly walk,can he?   3) Have you not sent the postcard to your friend?   4)You have to get up early,don't you?   5) The waiter is not friendly .is he?  

  练习2:将陈述句或反意疑问句改成一般疑问句:   I)Alice looked up from her book,didn't she?   2) The train will not stop at this town.   3) You can't see the picture,can you?   4)We must not tell him everything.   5) Everybody finds the museum interesting.   6) There are bicycles coming and going in the street.   7) It is your first time to do the job,isn't it?   8) Holidays always pass quickly.  

  标签:一般疑问句与反意疑问句的使用 广州津桥新概念英语1册周末培训班

  更多关注:津桥外语培训 http://www.edutt.com/member/jqwy.html 

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