

发布时间: 2019-11-05 18:31:39



  Do you agree that the clothes a person wears shows his or her social status?   你觉得一个人的穿着会表现出他/她的社会地位吗?   I think so. I mean you can't just judge a book by its cover, but the clothes one wears is really important.  By observing how a person composes himself or herself, you can get an idea about his or her social status, personality and a general idea of how he or she might conduct him or herself. Examples are a businessman usually wears a suit or business casual,a PR representative should definitely focus on the new fad and what currently looks good and a blue collar professional might wear a uniform. Individuals do not have to wear name brand clothing as long as what they wear is neat,clean and stylish.   我赞成这个观点。虽然不能以貌取人,但是人的衣装非常重要。从一个人的穿着,你可以看出他/她的社会地位、性格、精神面貌等。举例来说,商人会穿着西装或者商务休闲装;公关会注重时尚和流行的服饰;蓝领技术人员会穿制服。因此,一个人不一定要买衣服.但一定要整洁、干净和有自己的风格。   星级词汇:   judge a book by its cover 以貌取人   how a person composes himself or herself   一个人的举止/表现   neat adj.整洁的   Some people are not rich but they only buy expensive clothes. What's your opinion?   有些人没有经济基础,却只买贵的衣服。你怎么看?   Every person's taste and choices differ from one to the next. Name brand clothing gives the appearance of being expensive or of the“wealthy”class.  Some people like name brand expensive clothing simply because it's of high quality and durability. However,some people that have financial problems still overspend on this type of clothing for the sake of vanity and having the desire to look distinguished and of high class. I think these individuals could save their money to buy better and more nutritious food instead. I don't understand this type of mentality especially when individuals only go after the name and not whether the clothing is stylish or of good quality.   每个人的品位和选择都不同。服装是昂贵或社会地位高的象征。有些人特别喜欢买昂贵的服装,因为他们觉得这些服装质量好,耐穿。但是,也有些人经济条件不好,却还是想用来满足虚荣心,表现自己的身份和地位。我觉得这些人应该省下些钱,去买更好和更有营养的食品。这些人的行为我不理解.特别是他们只追求,不看衣服的风格和质量。   星级词汇:   durability n.耐久性   overspend vt. /vi.超支   vanity n .虚荣   nutritious adj.有营养的   mentality n.思想,心理   Do you feel the need to follow the current fashion trends?   你会去追逐新的潮流吗?   Teenagers like to express themselves by the clothing they wear. They also like to follow newest trend just to compete with peers.  I occasionally like to read fashion magazines,but do not go nuts about last week's new fashion trend.   年轻人通过穿着来表现自己的个性.或者通过追逐潮流和同龄人攀比。我偶尔会看一些时尚杂志.但我不会疯狂追逐新流行的服饰。         以上是由深圳环球雅思小编为您整理的关于服装的英语对话的全部内容。

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