

发布时间: 2019-11-05 19:16:37

  关于谈论家庭成员的英语对话   A: Here's a letter for you from your hometown.   B: Thank you very much. I've been looking forward to some news from my family. I miss them very much.   A: What do your parents do?   B: My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. And I have two brothers. Here's a picture of my family.   A: What a nice picture! You all look very happy. Are you the oldest among your brothers?   B: No, I'm the youngest. My two elder brothers help me a lot with my studies. We have great funtogether.   A: What do you and your family like to do together?   B: My parents like to watch TV after dinner, and we often go to parks, concerts, and museums on Saturdays and Sundays, and we play ball together.Oh, wait, my mom and dad will be here next Monday. Would you like to meet them?   A: I'd love to. Don't forget to tell me then.  关于谈论家庭成员的英语对话译文:   A:这儿有你的一封家信。   B:太感谢了。我一直盼望着能收到家里的消息呢。我非常想念他们。   A:你的父母是做什么工作的?   B:我父亲是一名医生,母亲是教师。我还有两个兄弟。这是我的一张全家福。   A:多好的一张照片啊,看起来都那么幸福。你是三兄弟的老大吗?   B:不,我是老小。我的两个哥哥在我学习方面帮了我很多。我们在一起玩得很开心。   A:你和你的家人都喜欢在一起做什么?   B:我父母喜欢晚饭后看电视。我们周六、周日经常去公园、音乐会和博物馆。我们还一起打球。噢,对了,我父母下周一要来这里,你想和他们认识认识吗?   A:我很想啊。到时候别忘了告诉我。

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