

发布时间: 2019-11-06 18:03:32



  课程内容 Course contents 雅思基础班:结合每个项目的具体题型,进入深入浅出的讲解和训练,选用Collins教材,针对基础在4.5-5.5分考生,基础相对薄弱学员从听说读写四项入手。雅思精品班:选用Collins教材,针对基础在5.5-6.5分考生,从四个考试项目考核的综合能力入手,开展高效的互动讲解和密集训练,继而结合每个项目的真题,后精讲高分关注的考核点。雅思冲刺班:适合已具备一定基础,且正在为考试冲刺的考生。课程选用Collins出版社进口图书,通过“做题讲题”的密集训练,反复操练解题技巧,复习并巩固四个单项的考点,提升考生的竞技状态结合剑桥及内部真题、全真题精讲。     ☆师资介绍: SANDY1、My working experience:.In 10 years I have learned so much about different cultures Particular Chinese culture. Chinese students give me plenty reasons to never give up on them they are simply my My motivation.I will continue to assist them as long as I am here. 2、My teaching style:Depends on the needs of diverse students at different learning levels. 3、My best courses:I love teaching students of all levels and various course assigned to me;I have a Passion for caring for special needs students;I am extremely enthusiastic about web International ENG School's focus on integrating students and teaching life skills 4、Besides Teaching, I have strong passion for modeling, 2009"Miss Natural" From beauty pageant Miss Africa In China.   [图片3]Amber1、I was graduated from Donghua University and my major is English. 2、I enjoy reading in my spare time, and traveling around the world is my life dream. I love the beautiful scenes and fantastic local customs and food. 3、As an old saying: Man who travels far knows more.My friends and my parents always regard me as an inborn teacher because of my patience and easygoing. I always concentrate myself into the job I enjoy. 4、I will have a high sense of responsibility and strong passion with my job. I hope we can all achieve our goals and improve our English skills together in WEB!   ☆慈溪韦博英语地址

【校区简介】:慈溪韦博英语培训机构地址位于浒山街道新城大道北路167号,周边有新城中心 、新城商业街、 慈溪市书城培训学校等。



【公交路线】:慈溪市*(公交站),途经公交: 慈溪8路内环,慈溪8路外环

[图片5] 慈溪韦博课程专业、全面、优质的成人英语课程、英语口语课程、商务英语课程,新优惠咨询服务。慈溪韦博英语为学习者提供了两个语言学习成功的重要因素:正确先进的学习方法和真实逼真的英语母语环境。   英语体验课,200个名额,免费申请   [图片6]  

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 天才领路者网站详细了解




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