

发布时间: 2019-11-08 15:44:10

  Where are you from?   I was born and raised in Beijing,the city known as the capital, the centre or the concrete jungle in China.   亮点1   I was born and raised in:我土生土长的……人。born是出生的意思,raise是养育的意思,加在一起就是“地地道道的”。   亮点2   the city known as:因……而*。给一个名号是很好的称赞方法。   What is the difference in your hometown between 10 years ago and now?   (Version 1) The biggest difference is the living condition, or other people say"living quality".A decade ago, we used to walk to the park for family picnic at weekends. Well, if we still want to do that now, our families need to swallow the traffic jam and have picnic in the ocean of people.   亮点1   swallow the traffic jam:忍受交通堵塞。如果用bear来表达忍受,明显不够有感官冲击性,swallow的意思是“吞咽”,但在这里是指“忍气吞声”,够形象了吧!   亮点2   ocean of people:人的海洋。尽管我们总是嘲讽people mountain, people sea(人山人海),但经过求证,“人的海洋”确实是老外认账的表达。   (Version 2) I don't quite sense any differences. Even though I have heard more buildings are under construction, the core of my hometown is still the one I used to know. It is still a simple place, and citizens still live a simple life.   亮点1   I don't quite sense any differences:我没怎么感觉到不同。这个很有意思,因为这个答案斗胆否定了考官的问话,但一定要在后面把原因说得精彩,因为这个反调已经唱响,考官的胃口已经被你吊起了。   亮点2   core:核心,本质。家乡的本质还是我以前了解的那个,十分形象地表达“家乡带给我的感觉,家乡的味道”。   亮点3   用两个simple表现一种匹配,对称。   以上是由广州环球雅思小编为您整理的关于城市的雅思常用口语的全部内容。

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