

发布时间: 2005-09-23 00:00:00


1. 市况上扬:
The market advances/ gains /rises.
2. 市况下挫:
The market declines /falls/loses.
3. 市况活跃:
The market booms.
The market is excited.
The market becomes active.
The market becomes brisk.
4. 市况暴跌停滞:
The market slumps.
The market becomes dull.
The market breaks down.
5. 市况走势上扬,市况攀升走高:
The market is on the up grade.
The market is on an upward trend.
The market tends upward.
6. 市况走势下跌,市况下划走低:
The market is on the down grade.
The market tends downward.
The market is on a downward trend.
The market takes downward.
7. 市况狂跌:
The market declines/drops/sags.
8. 市况暴涨:
The market jumps/advances/soars.
9. 总结:
The market improves (好转) / picks up (扬升) /
hardens (转趋坚俏) / stiffens (坚挺) / revives (复苏) / rebounds (反弹) / regains (恢复) / rallies (重振) .
下跌趋势:The market collapses (崩溃) / relaxes (疲软) .
行情波动:The market fluctuates (波动).

The market is strong (强劲) / firm (坚稳) / exciting (活跃) / advancing (爬升) / healthy (健康).
下跌趋势:The market is weak (疲软) / soft (疲软) / easy (缓慢).
平稳不变:The market is quiet(静止) / calm (平静) /
unchanged (不变) / steady (平稳)/ supported (平持).

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