面议发布时间: 2023-04-12 09:30:50
中佛罗里达*或作佛罗里达中央*,是一所大型公立综合性**,成立于1963年,位于美国佛罗里达奥兰多市,提供本科、硕士、博士、副学士、文凭课程五种学位类型。 中佛罗里达*
排名 165 * 美国 州省 佛罗里达州 城市 奥兰多 性质 公立,男女合校 成立年份 1963 宗教信仰 无 学生人数 63,002 本科生人数 54,513 研究生人数 8,489 学校分类 综合性* 网址 www.ucf.edu 申请点评 好评项: 1 The state-of-the-art athletic center! 2 Spirit Week 3 Wackadoo's 4 Wireless Internet 5 Shuttles to and from campus 6 Great local drink specials/happy hours 7 Constant 8 Free cab vouchers from downtown courtesy of the student 9 Spirit Week's free concerts (music and comedy) 10 Proximity of off-campus 差评项: 1 No parking! Anywhere! 2 Too many apathetic students 3 in the summer 4 Walking in the heat to class 5 Advisors are not always helpful 6 Lack of of classes 7 Cops/ 8 Steep tuition increases every year 9 Cops/ 10 Steep tuition increase every year 本科申请 基本信息: USNEWS排名 165 学费(/年) $22,467 申请截止日期 3月1日 TOEFL要求 80 食宿(/年) $9,554 开学时间 每年8月-9月 IELTS要求 - 申请费 $30 可申请学期 秋季 SAT平均分 1150-1330(1600) 申请人数 35,572 奖学金形式 Need-aware & Merit-based 平均GPA 3.8 录取率 49% 是否提供双录取 Yes 注: (1) TOEFL无单项要求;IELTS要求不详 (2)SAT阅读均分:540-630;SAT数学均分:540-640;SAT写作均分:510-610;编号5233 (3)ACT综合均分:24-28 教学质量 本科生人数 54,513 小班比例(<20) 27.2% 学期制度 Semester 研究生人数 8,489 中班比例(20-49) 47.8% 教授水平满意度 90% 国际学生比例 1% 大班比例(>50) 25% 就业实习满意度 59% 师生比 1:30 六年毕业率 71% 学生满意度 85% 四年毕业率 40% 新生保持率 89% 教授博士学位比率 - 毕业2年平均薪水 $34,700 就业率 70% 校友网络认可度 90% 校园安全 校园安全事件 Criminal Offenses -- On-Campus 2012 2013 2014 谋杀 Murder/Non-negligent 0 0 0 过失杀人 Negligent 0 0 0 强奸 Rape N/A N/A 14 乱伦 Incest N/A N/A 0 强奸幼童罪 Statutory Rape N/A N/A 0 猥亵 Fondling N/A N/A 5 性侵犯-强迫 Sex offenses - Forcible 11 14 N/A 性侵犯-非强迫 Sex offenses - non-forcible (incest and statutory rape only) 0 0 N/A 抢劫 Robbery 3 5 4 暴力袭击 assault 20 10 3 盗窃 Burglary 25 26 23 汽车盗窃 Motor vehicle theft 11 13 10 纵火 Arson 1 0 0 申请说明 GPA与班级排名: GPA 班级排名 分段 占比 分段 占比 3.75以上 66% TOP10% 33% 3.5-3.74 24% TOP25% 74% 3.25-3.49 7% TOP50% 98% 3.0-3.24 3% 50%以下 2% 2.50-2.99 75%以下 2.49以下 申请材料 中佛罗里达*通过学校官网在线申请,必需的申请材料包括: 中佛罗里达*申请表 托福/雅思成绩单 SAT/ACT成绩单,非必需 推荐信以及Essay 高中在读证明或高中毕业证 高中成绩单,需翻译,无需公证 资金证明 注:中佛罗里达*无需面试,无需SAT与ACT成绩。 费用与奖学金 支出项目 项目英文名 2016-2021学年费用 学费 Tuition and fees $22,467 住宿费用 Room and board $9,554 书本费 Books and supplies $1,152 个人花费 Estimated personal expenses $3,104 交通费 expenses $1,866 合计 Estimated Total $38,143 中佛罗里达*向国际学生提供有Merit-based奖学金,2015年度中佛罗里达*共47名国际学生获得奖学金,总奖学金金额为$55,900,平均金额$1,189。按国际学生比例与本科生人数计算,覆盖率为8.6%。此外,欲申请奖学金必需有SAT/ACT成绩。 转学申请 基本信息: TOEFL要求 80 GPA要求 2.0 申请截止日期 7月1日 IELTS要求 - SAT要求 Recommend 开学时间 每年8月-9月 *可转学分 - *学分要求 12 可申请学期 秋季、春季、夏季 申请人数 14,258 录取人数 9,523 录取率 66% 注:中佛罗里达*转学要求本科GPA不低于2.0;单门课程GPA需在1.0以上方可转学分 申请说明 中佛罗里达*秋季、春季、夏季三个学期均可申请转学,可入读大一、大二、大三其中任何一个学期。大二以下转学建议递交SAT/ACT成绩,大三以上无需递交。 中佛罗里达*电气工程研究生专业设有MS和PhD两种学位类型,其研究的内容包括通信、数字信号处理、图像处理、控制与机器人学、电磁学、电子-光子学、电力与电子、固态与微电子等。MS项目为期2年,需修读30个学分,其中硕士论文可抵6个学分;PhD项目为期4-6年,需修读72个学分,其中PhD学位论文可抵15-24个学分。上述2个项目均要求申请者本科毕业,拥有电气工程或其相关专业背景,硕士项目无需GRE成绩但PhD项目需要有。 *学生被录取之后,其成绩单和学位证、毕业证还需经*学位与研究生教育发展中心(CDGDC)认证递交,但申请时,其成绩单和学位证明等都无需任何公证。该设立于1987年,原是光学教育与研究中心(Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers, CEROL),2004年成为独立的,也是全美*家光学领域开设研究生学位课程(MS、PhD)的学校。包括教职员工33名,名誉教授6名,研究员59名,研究生144名,本科生90名。 申请说明 中佛罗里达*光学研究生申请材料与步骤如下: 正式成绩单:*阶段所有成绩单均需提交 GRE成绩:必须 TOEFL/IELTS:TOEFL总分不低于80分,ILETS总分不低于6.5分,均无单项分数要求 3封推荐信 个人陈述与研究计划(RS) 个人简历 申请费:32美金 注:申请研究生奖学金的学生需先进行预申请(Pre-),通过预申请,学校可以尽快联系学生,了解学生情况,节省学生的申请时间。 研究生录取统计表 2010-2014学年研究生录取统计 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 PhD 116 98 91 95 MS 20 21 32 36 注:2013-14学年PhD共招收全日制国际学生25名,其中有16名国际学生获得研究生奖学金,奖学金覆盖率为64%;MS招收国际学生数为0。要求申请者本科毕业,拥有光学、电气工程、物理或与之相关专业背景。该项目属授课型项目,带有一定的实验室内容,既可为进入PhD项目做准备,亦可为就业做准备。该项目分带毕业论文(thesis)和不带毕业论文(non-thesis)两种供申请者选择。该项目向国际学生提供Merit-based奖学金。该项目主要分光学(Optics)和光子学(Photonics)两个方向—— 光学方向:为期12-18个月,课程教学主要以光学基础为主,偏向设计与成像学。申请者需完成相关研究报告 光子学方向:为期12-18个月,课程教学主要以光子学基础为主,偏向光子传播。申请者需完成相关研究报告 光学博士(PhD in Optics & Photonics):为期5-6年,共计72个学分。要求申请者本科毕业,拥有光学、电气工程、物理或与之相关专业背景,硕士学历亦可申请。部分专业背景还需修读一定的前置课程。该项目属研究型项目,带有一定的实验室内容,需要撰写毕业论文。该项目向国际学生提供光学研究奖学金(CREOL Research )。平均每年奖学金金额约22,000-28,000美金。 其他信息:* US News & World Report 2016:综合排名第47名 * US News & World Report 2014:综合排名第49名(本科排名) * US News & World Report 2013:综合排名第54名(本科排名) *华盛顿月刊( Monthly)排名:全美第37名 * US NEWS 2015年美国商排名第41位 * US NEWS 2014年美国商排名第36位 《美国新闻与世界报道》生物科学专业研究生院排名 第48名 《美国新闻与世界报道》商业专业研究生院排名 第37名 《美国新闻与世界报道》材料科学与工程专业研究生排名 第8位 《美国新闻与世界报道》核能工程专业研究生排名 第9位 《美国新闻与世界报道》教育学专业研究生院排名 第54名 《美国新闻与世界报道》法律专业研究生院排名 第51名 《美国新闻与世界报道》医学专业研究生院排名 第48名 《美国新闻与世界报道》工程学专业研究生院排名 第25名 《美国新闻与世界报道》艺术专业研究生院排名 第58名 《美国新闻与世界报道》社会学专业研究生院排名 第41名 《美国新闻与世界报道》心理学专业研究生院排名 第45名 《美国新闻与世界报道》政治学专业研究生院排名 第49名 《美国新闻与世界报道》历史专业研究生院排名 第48名 《美国新闻与世界报道》英语专业研究生院排名 第52名 《美国新闻与世界报道》经济学专业研究生院排名 第48名 《美国新闻与世界报道》犯罪学专业研究生院排名 第12名 《美国新闻与世界报道》物理专业研究生院排名 第36名 《美国新闻与世界报道》数学专业研究生院排名 第58名 《美国新闻与世界报道》统计专业研究生院排名 第27名 《美国新闻与世界报道》地球科学专业研究生院排名 第60名 《美国新闻与世界报道》计算机科学专业研究生院排名 第39名 《美国新闻与世界报道》化学专业研究生院排名 第36名 2015 USNEWS 世界*排名 第53名 2016 USNEWS 世界*排名 第53名 2016 世界*排名 第17名 2007上海交通*世界*学术排名第51名 2013泰晤士高等教育世界*排名 第128名
前言: 佛罗里达州是美国东南部的一个州。位于东南海岸突出的半岛上。东濒大西洋,西临墨西哥湾,北与亚拉巴马州和佐治亚州接壤。面积为151670平方公里。海岸线总长13500公里,仅次于阿拉斯加州,居全美第二位。首府塔拉哈西。“佛罗里达” 源于西班牙语,意为“鲜花盛开的地方”。
• Florida shares borders with Georgia and Alabama to the north, the Gulf of Mexico to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.
• Hurricane season is June to November.
• It’s not just the tourist industry that dominates Florida. The citrus industry is also big business in the region, 76,000 jobs and more than US$9 billion for the economy every year.
• The capital of Florida is and the largest city by area is , but Miami has the largest metro by far.
• The Disney World theme park in Orlando covers a massive 30,500 acres (123 sq km). Florida beach
• Florida produces 75% of the US citrus fruit market and 40% of the world’s orange juice supply. It is second only to Brazil in orange .
• In a 2015 survey by Chief Executive.net, US CEOs voted Florida the second-best state for business, after Texas.
• Miami Beach’s Art Deco Historic District boasts the world’s largest of Art Deco .
• Miami is the backdrop to many films, including Bad Boys, Iron Man 3, There’s Something About Mary, Miami Vice and Marilyn Monroe’s Some Like it Hot.
• Florida has more than 1,300 golf courses, the most of any US state.
• The state is home to over a million . The word ‘alligator’ comes from the Spanish ‘el legarto’ meaning ‘the lizard’ and was the name given to the animal by Florida’s early Spanish settlers.
• 佛罗里达与乔治亚州和阿拉巴马州接壤,北部是墨西哥湾,东面是大西洋。
• 飓风季节是六月到十一月。
• 不仅仅是旅游业主导了佛罗里达。柑橘产业也是该地区的大产业,每年创造76000个就业机会,超过90亿美元。
• 佛罗里达的首都是塔拉哈西,面积*的城市是杰克逊维尔,但迈阿密的地铁人口是目前最多的。
• 奥兰多的迪斯尼世界主题公园占地30500英亩(123平方公里)。佛罗里达的海滩
• 佛罗里达大约生产75%的美国柑橘市场和40%的世界橙汁供应。这是仅次于巴西的橙色生产。
• 在2015年首席执行官的一项调查中,美国首席执行官们将佛罗里达州评为仅次于德克萨斯的第二大商业州。
• 迈阿密海滩的装饰艺术历史区拥有世界上*的装饰艺术建筑。
• 迈阿密是许多电影的背景,包括《坏男孩》、《钢铁侠3》、《玛丽》、《迈阿密风云》和玛丽莲·梦露的《火辣》。
• 佛罗里达有超过1300个高尔夫球场,是美国州中最多的。
• 该州有超过一百万条短吻鳄。“短吻鳄”这个词来自西班牙语“el legarto”,意思是“蜥蜴”,是佛罗里达早期的西班牙殖民者给这个动物的名字。
Famed for its theme parks (including Disney World), sunny weather, miles of beaches, nightlife and arts scenes, Florida is a hugely popular holiday – and it’s also a great place to be a student. Read on to discover the top in Florida, and find out more about their locations.Located on the far south-eastern peninsula of the US, Florida has over 1,200 miles of coastline, and a climate that ranges from to tropical with a strong chance of humidity, and unabating heat.
Five in Florida feature in the QS World Rankings 2015/16, and these are widely spread across the state. Choosing exactly where to study in Florida will largely be down to which best matches your academic and ambitions, but you may also want to consider which part of the state you’d most like to live in.
The highest ranked among in Florida is the of Florida, which is currently ranked 180th in the world and 46th in the US. The school has an enrolment of just under 50,000 students, of which 16,000 are . The of Florida’s campus is situated inland in the city of , which (despite its lack of beaches) offers a high quality of living, with low living costs and a good share of the state’s famous sunshine.
The of Miami, ranked 280th in the world and 61st in the US, trumps the of Florida with its close proximity to Miami’s long stretches of sand and sea. A private , it has a smaller student community of around 16,800. It teaches across a broad subject spectrum, including graduate schools of medicine and law.
At the opposite end of Florida in state capital is the flagship Florida State . The is currently ranked 401-410 in the world and 80th in the US, with 41,400 students enrolled. A large public research , it has courses in pretty much every subject you can think of, at both and levels.
在佛罗里达州立首都塔拉哈西的另一头是佛罗里达州立*。该*目前在全球排名401 - 410,美国排名第80,有41,400名学生。一所大型的公立研究型*,在本科生和研究生的水平上都有几乎所有你能想到的课程。
a good 260 miles south along the west coast from , you’ll find the of South Florida located in the city of Tampa. Ranked 501-550 in the world and joint 97th in the US, the offers more than 230 degree programs to a student body of over 48,000. It has an annual budget of $1.6 billion and has been praised for its , being one of a small number of given a gold rating by the for the of in Higher Education.
从塔拉哈西沿着西海岸向南行驶260英里,你会发现坐落在坦帕市的南佛罗里达*。该*在世界排名501 - 550,在美国排名第97,为学生提供超过230个学位课程,超过4.8万。它的年度预算为16亿美元,并因其可持续性而受到称赞,成为*为数不多的几所*之一,获得了高等教育可持续发展协会的黄金评级。
Ranked 701+ in the world and joint 134th in the US, the of Central Florida is the second-largest in the US in terms of enrolment, with a whopping 61,000 students enrolled from 148 different countries and all US states. It’s located in Orlando and offers 210 degree programs in its 13 colleges.Keep reading to find out more about the cities in which each of these top in Florida is located – as well as some of the state’s other major .
may be the state capital, but Miami, home of the of Miami, is by far the most populous and best-known city in Florida. Located along the south-east coast of the peninsula, Miami has a distinct . A that is two-thirds Hispanic means that Spanish is often the language you’ll hear spoken in the city’s beach-front cafés and bars. Renowned for high rates of crime and poverty in the 70s and 80s, Miami now enjoys an air of affluence and optimism, and is now known for the famous three-mile-long Ocean Drive, known for its Art Deco-style hotels.
In Central Florida, the expanse between the east and west coasts, you’ll find the city of Orlando, home of Mickey Mouse et al. What used to be a farming town became a highly popular tourist in the 1970s. Nicknamed ‘The City Beautiful’, Orlando is home to the of Central Florida, one of the largest US .Although you’re unlikely to spend all your days off visiting theme parks, Orlando certainly offers lots of to help relieve the stress of exams, including Disney World, SeaWorld, Universal Studios, LEGOLAND, Islands of Adventure and Dinosaur World.
North of Miami on the west coast is the affluent city of Fort , known for its party , and therefore a popular Spring Break for students. Having matured in the last few years, the city has become a much more affair. While still appealing to student party animals with a large number of bars and , Fort can also offer a great selection of places to eat, drink and shop, both along the coastline and inland towards Las Olas Boulevard.
Founded by the Spanish in 1565, St Augustine was the very first permanent European in the US. Close to the student city of , St Augustine is another of Florida’s popular coastal resorts. Aside from the popular beaches, the city is known for its history, and the feel of its cafés and cobbled streets. This is a city which – as you’re passed by locals in period dress on horse-drawn carriages – will make you feel lost in time. The historic cos-play may strike some as a little , but unlike the theme parks a few hours south, these buildings and relics are as authentic as they come.
Another Spring Breakers’ paradise, on the doorstep of the of South Florida, Tampa Bay captures the tourism spillover from Orlando’s theme park resorts, as well as the Latino culture blown inland from the Gulf of Mexico to the Cuban enclave of Ybor City. Although a business district first and foremost, Tampa offers the famous St Beaches, as well as a string of barrier-island beaches perfect for those students wanting an island lifestyle with a feel
The Florida Keys is a chain of islands 100 miles long, ending just 90 miles short of Cuba. Closest to those studying at the of Miami, the Keys are a paradise for outdoorsy types tired of the city grind. You’ll find a myriad of beautiful places to snorkel and dive, including the Florida Reef, a huge area of living coral just a few miles offshore. The ultimate for many, however, is Key West, the end of the 100-mile stretch before a great expanse of ocean. Known as the ‘Conch Republic’, Key West is both lively and laid-back, with a Caribbean feel to its bars and streets.
The National Park forms a large part of southern Florida, taking over almost the entire tip of the peninsula. Again, the of Miami is the most proximate, but a weekend visit to The should tempt students based at any of the in Florida.Contrary to popular belief, The are not stagnant swamps, but actually slow-moving wet prairies destined for the ocean. The area offers a truly unique ecosystem with a climate, and is almost for humans, meaning a guided tour is often necessary. The waters are home to (Florida’s official state reptile), along with dolphins, manatees and . Overhead, bald eagles, ospreys and snowy egrets can be spotted, above endless sprawls of sawgrass and mangrove bushes. Students come to The not only to enjoy the sights, but also to hike, bike, canoe, kayak, boat, camp and fish.
更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 美国留学服务中介网站详细了解