

发布时间: 2019-09-09 17:07:36

  今天订单要和客户确认一下可是打了半天也没有联系到本人,只能无奈地耐心等待了……。   常用句子   1.The line is engaged.Will you please hold on?   线路很忙。您可否稍等一下?   2.I can't hear you very well.   我听不太清楚。   3.Would you hold on a second, please?   请等一等。   4.I'm sorry the number's engaged.   对不起,这个电话有人在打。   5.I'll give her a buzz on an inside line if you like.   如果你愿意的话,我用内线打.   6.It took me quite a long time to connect you.   好不容易才给你打通。   7.Could I have extension 679,please?   请转接分机679.

电话占线 英语

    情景对话   The line is free now. I'll put you through.不占线了。我帮您接过去。   Man:Hello, ABC Automobile. How may I direct your call?   Jasmine:Could I have extension 239,please?   Man:I'm sorry the number's engaged. Would you care to wait, please?   Jasmine: Sure.   (A few minutes later)   Man:The line is free now. I'll put you through.   Jasmine:Thanks a lot.   男子:你好,这里是ABC汽车公司,你是哪里?   茉莉:请转接分机239.   男子:对不起,这个电话有人在打。请您稍等。   茉莉:好的。   (几分钟后)   男子:不占线了。我帮您接过去。   茉莉:十分感谢。

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